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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Vox Luminis

Cavalieri. Rappresentatione di Anima e di Corpo

this event is part of

MA Festival 2021

Fri 06 Aug 2021 -20.00
start 20.00
expected end time 21.40
All prices include booking fees.

Body and Soul in the very first opera

With its intertwining of dance, drama and music, Cavalieri’s Rappresentatione is a key work in art history. In an allegorical dialogue, Body and Soul argue about what is good and what is evil. With the peaceful music of Intellect and Counsel, Vox Luminis guide Body and Soul away from hell and into heaven.


Emilio de’Cavalieri (1550-1602)
Rappresentatione di Anima e di Corpo


Vox Luminis: ensemble
Lionel Meunier: artistic director

Fri 06 Aug 2021 -20.00
start 20.00
expected end time 21.40
All prices include booking fees.