start | 20.00 |
creation and performance: Joanna Dudley
creation and design: Rufus Didwiszus
video artist: Samuel Dématraz
musical research: Dirk Snellings
music and performance: Capilla Flamenca
bass and musical direction: Dirk Snellings
countertenor: Marnix De Cat
tenor: Tore Denys
baritone: Lieven Termont
violin and fiddle: Liam Fennelly
lute: Floris De Rycker
composer and librettist for arrangements of the song Who Killed Cock Robin?: Grahame Dudley
arranger of extra song material: Dirk Dresselhaus (Schneider TM)
costumes for Joanna Dudley: Ulrike Gutbrod
with kind contribution of students from the ECAV Academy of Arts (choreography and masks)
production: Binder + Partner Berlin
coproduced by Capilla Flamenca; Concertgebouw Brugge vzw; Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin; ECAV Academy of Arts, Sierre, Switzerland
thanks to George Pfruender, Nora Pfruender and the Sierre City Council
creation and performance: Joanna Dudley
creation and design: Rufus Didwiszus
video artist: Samuel Dématraz
start | 20.00 |