start | 20.00 |
Akram Khan: artistic direction, choreography and dance
Tim Yip: set, costume and video design
Jocelyn Pook: music composition
Michael Hulls: lighting design
Karthika Nair, Akram Khan: concept
Karthika Nair, Akram Khan, Polar Bear: text
Ruth Little: dramaturgie
Zoe Nathenson: creative acting director
Nick Hillel/Yeast Culture: video animation
Akram Khan, Damien Jalet: concept painted head sequence
Leesa Gazi: Bengali translator
Farooq Chaudhry: producer
production: Akram Khan Company
coproduction: Concertgebouw Brugge, MC2 Grenoble, Sadlers Wells (London), Grand Théâtre de Luxembourg & Curve Theatre (Leicester)
with the support of the Bangladesh High Commission (London)
Akram gratefully acknowledges the contribution of the following artists: Sue Buckmaster, Renee Castle, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Leesa Gazi, Sreya Andrisha Gazi, Daniel Hart, Chris Janschke, Labik Kamal, Samuel Lefeuvre, Urmee Mazher, Nicola Monaco, Andrei Nazarenko, Bhasker Patel, Sebastien Ramirez, RootlessRoot (Linda Kapetanea & Jozef Frucek) en Shantala Shivalingappa
Akram Khan is an Associate Artist of MC2 (Grenoble) and Sadlers Wells (London) in a special international co-operation
sponsored by COLAS
special thanks to Michel Orier, Paul Kerryson, Alistair Spalding, Béatrice Abeille Robin, Mr & Mrs Khan, Raihana Ahmad, Shahidul Alam, Eeshita Azad, British Council Bangladesh, Ruby Ghuznavi (textile curator), Irene Lu, Tareque Masood, Ramendu Majumdar (ITI), Susan Mearns (ActionAid) and NariMaitree
Akram Khan: artistic direction, choreography and dance
Tim Yip: set, costume and video design
Jocelyn Pook: mu
start | 20.00 |