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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge
Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Double Bill: The Scratch Band + Caroline Vrijens

A musical journey + panel discussion with season's thinker

this event is part of

Raise your voice

Sat 23 Nov 2024 -17.00
Sold out
You can put your name on a waiting list
start 17.00
expected end time 19.00

Gratis €0.00

All prices include booking fees.

The evening opens with a  musical journey full of hope and co-creativity. Pianist and participatory artist Tina Reynaert embarks on an intense musical journey together with youngsters from Bruges Red Cross Reception Centre. Drawing on the youngsters’ individual stories and voices and the connecting power of music, they collectively create a very special concert.

Following this concert, the Concertgebouw's season’s thinker Caroline Vrijens leads a discussion (in Dutch) about migration experiences. What does it mean to be a refugee in Flanders, especially for a youngster? What is the current situation? How do young refugees find their way? Children's Rights Commissioner Caroline Vrijens discusses these and other questions with experts and lived experience consultants.


Tina Reynaert: concept & elaboration
Tina Reynaert, Mohammed Ali Hossein Taki, Helia Hana, Honya Hana, Zainab Oudah, Andrea Beatriz Moran Guerra, Maisaa Saifou, Tamer Abuhamad, Mohammad ‘Massimo’ Eskif, Fadel Abdalhadi, Remon Alhodor, Achilles De Raedt, Sam Enthoven & Pieter Sint Nicolaas: performers
Arian Sadrayi & Mohammed Ali Hossein Taki: composition soundmap
Radwan: coach visual design


Caroline Vrijens: children's rights commissioner
Tina Reynaert: participatory musician and researcher at UGent
Maryam Tawfiq Marwan: coordinator Mind-Spring programme CAW East Flanders
Hamid Hisari: expert by experience

Mieke Dumont: moderator

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Tina Reynaert: concept & elaboration
Tina Reynaert, Mohammed Ali Hossein Taki, Helia Hana, Honya Hana, Zainab

Sat 23 Nov 2024 -17.00
Sold out
You can put your name on a waiting list
start 17.00
expected end time 19.00

Gratis €0.00

All prices include booking fees.