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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Gli Incogniti & Amandine Beyer

Haydn, Richter & C.P.E. Bach

chamber music
Fri 03 Feb 2017 -20.00
introduction by Koen Uvin 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.55
with break
All prices include booking fees.

Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!

A seductive exploration of the early Classical

Amandine Beyer and Gli Incogniti became famous for their refined performances of Baroque music. In this concert, they explore the seductive twilight zone of the early Classical. Franz Xaver Richter’s sun-drenched Symphony no. 1 still has one foot in the Baroque, but Haydn's Violin Concerto in G is an unmistakable herald of the classical style. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach looked even further ahead. As the son of the great Johann Sebastian, he was raised on the Baroque aesthetic. Secure on that solid foundation, he developed into a true avant-gardist. The Galant Style, the expressive miniatures of the Empfindsamkeit, and the turbulent Sturm und Drang: Carl Philipp Emanuel synthesises and transforms the sounds of his time. Two symphonies, and a cello concerto illustrate his constantly surprising, idiosyncratic genius, which resolutely anticipates the Romantic. 

Facebook Gli Incogniti

Facebook Amandine Beyer


Because of the refurbishment of 't Zand, Concertgebouw is harder to reach than usual. The main entrance of the Concertgebouw remains accessible. A temporary road through the works has been foreseen. Read more


Gli Incogniti: ensemble
Amandine Beyer: violin & musical direction
Marco Ceccato: cello

Fri 03 Feb 2017 -20.00
introduction by Koen Uvin 19.15
start 20.00
expected end time 21.55
with break
All prices include booking fees.

Under 26? Enjoy 50% discount!