in his own day Lassus was already ranked at the lonely top of the composers’ ladder, on an equal footing with Palestrina
throughout his life Lassus more or less stuck to the same, refined style
contrite 'penitential palms', such as De profundis, are part of the liturgy of Holy Week
together with the Prophetiae Sibyllarum and the Lamentations, the Psalmi form the great Latin cycles commissioned by Lassus's patron Albrecht V of Bavaria for his own use
the psalms were recorded in one of the most beautifully illustrated musical manuscripts and until their publication in 1584 were only sung on special occasions to impress guests
In season 18-19 the Concertgebouw presents five new Masterpieces: five highpoints of music history that you have to hear live at least once in your lifetime. Plus a comprehensive programme of participatory projects (in collaboration with Musica) and in-depth context activities.