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Logo Concertgebouw Brugge

Salon Libeer

Gatto plays Beethoven’s violin sonatas

Lecture & Discussion
chamber music
jazz / pop & rock / world music
Fri 13 Oct 2017 -20.00
start 20.00
expected end time 21.30
All prices include booking fees.

From craftsman to genius: the transformation of the artist

Unlike Mozart 20 years earlier, Ludwig van Beethoven managed to make ends meet without any official position or patron. This freedom contributed to the idealised image of the artist as a brilliant independent creator - a theme that pianist Julien Libeer and cultural historian Tom Verschaffel examine closely. With the help of Lorenzo Gatto, Libeer illustrates this transformation by playing both Beethoven's first violin sonata and his last. 


Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Violin Sonata no. 1 in D major, opus 12
Violin Sonata no. 10 in G major, opus 96

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Violin Sonata no. 1 in D major, opus 12
Violin Sonata no. 10 in G major, opus


Julien Libeer: piano
Lorenzo Gatto: violin
Tom Verschaffel: cultural historian

Fri 13 Oct 2017 -20.00
start 20.00
expected end time 21.30
All prices include booking fees.